Abigail Adams Historical Society is a member of the Back Roads of the South Shore and invites you to consider attending its annual History Symposium. Details below.
Time: 9:45 am – 3 pm (Registration open at 9 am)
Location: Spire Center for the Performing Arts, 25 ½ Court Street, Plymouth, MA
Registration Fee: $15/person, includes refreshments and presentations
Make checks payable to: Plymouth County Convention & Visitors Bureau (or PCCVB)
Mail registration & checks to: Plymouth Antiquarian Society, P.O. Box 3773, Plymouth, MA 02361
Contact & Tickets: Anne Mason, Plymouth Antiquarian Society
Contact Phone: 508-746-0012
E-Mail: pasm@verizon.net
Website: www.brss.org
Website: www.brss.org
The Backroads of the South Shore is pleased to present the 2018 South Shore History Symposium: Coastal Colony: the Seventeenth Century on the South Shore. This annual symposium offers an exciting opportunity for regional historians to present research and projects happening at local museums and historic sites. This year’s presentations will explore the varied and fascinating history of the 17th century on the South Shore of Massachusetts.
Keynote Speaker: Richard Pickering (Deputy Executive Director, Plimoth Plantation), on “Plymouth Colony and American Innovation.â€
Symposium Presentations:
Linda Coombs, a member of the Aquinnah Wampanoag tribe, has worked in museums for over forty y ears, researching, interpreting, and offering accu rate and appropriate representat ions of Wampanoag and Native peoples’ histories and cultures. For the last nine years she has worked at Martha’s Vineyard’s Aquinnah Cultural Center, which operates the Vanderhoop Homestead, a small house museum where Aquinnah Wampanoag history and culture is interpreted through tours and other scheduled programs and events.
David Landon is the Associate Director of the Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Archaeological Research and the Graduate Program Director for Historical Archaeology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He received his Ph.D. in 1991 from Boston University, where his dissertation research included study of materials from the Winslow Site in Marshfield. Landon’s current archaeological project in Plymouth is supported by a Collaborative Research Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Stephen O’Neill is the Executive Director of the Hanover Historical Society. He was formerly the Associate Director & Curator of Collections at Pilgrim Hall Museum in Plymouth. He is also Senior Lecturer in History at Suffolk University where he has taught courses on public history, material culture, the history of piracy, and the history of Plymouth Colony.
Richard Pickering [Keynote Speaker]Â is the Deputy Executive Director at Plimoth Plantation, the living history museum of 17th century Plymouth Colony and the Wampanoag Homeland. He has been with the Plantation for more than 30 years and has served as a historical role player, research associate, Director of Education, and Director of Special Projects. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of Connecticut.
For more information about the South Shore History Symposium or to register, please contact Anne Mason of the Plymouth Antiquarian Society at 508-746-0012 or pasm@verizon.net. You can also click on the following registration form, for printing and mailing.